Weston & Sampson Receives AGC Safety Award

Peter Kolokithas and Mick Brown Receive AGC Safety Award

Peter Kolokithas and Mick Brown Receive AGC Safety Award


Weston & Sampson is pleased to announce we are among the recipients of a 2021 National Safety Award from the Associated General Contractors of America (AGC). The award was presented at today’s AGC MA’s Annual Safety Awards Brunch at the Seaport Hotel in Boston, MA, and reflects an “outstanding commitment to safety in the construction industry.” Peter Kolokithas, President of Weston & Sampson Services, and Mick Brown, Health & Safety Manager, were on hand to accept the award, which notes a zero incidence rate for 425,000 work hours and over.

With more than 750 staff, working in design, engineering, construction, and operations, in conjunction with our Health & Safety division, we are proud of the record of safety we sustain.

Weston & Sampson considers the health and safety of our employees, clients, and subcontractors as our most important responsibility. As such, we are committed to ensuring a safe workplace in our own offices, at project sites, and at our clients’ facilities.

Weston & Sampson promotes "worksafe", an internal workplace health and safety program where we provide readily accessible information, including an online Health & Safety Manual as a tool to train our employees. The topics range from driver safety, bloodborne pathogens, field safety, and confined space to flammable and combustible liquids and hazard communication, and many more.

The Associated General Contractors of America (AGC) is the leading association for the construction industry. AGC represents more than 27,000 firms, including over 6,500 of America’s leading general contractors and over 9,000 specialty-contracting firms.

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