Climate Action & Sustainability Plan

Weston & Sampson is developing a Climate Action & Sustainability Plan for the Town of Andover, which holds a Green Communities Designation, to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.

Aligned with the Massachusetts Clean Energy and Climate Plan for 2025 and 2030, the plan will identify and prioritize actions to achieve long-term and interim emissions reduction goals.

The project consists of an initial baselining, greenhouse gas emissions inventory review, and goal setting to identify Andover’s existing sustainability efforts. The majority of Andover’s greenhouse gas emissions are produced by residential and commercial stationary sources and passenger vehicles. Our team will identify actions, such as programs, projects, and policies, with the potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve climate resiliency. Actions will be prioritized based on extensive stakeholder engagement, and implementation plans will be developed for priority actions detailing equity considerations, costs, co-benefits, responsible parties, and timelines.




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