Weston & Sampson announces that Moses Singh, ME, PE, PMP, RGDP joined the firm as a Team Leader with a background in natural gas distribution.
Author Archive: Weston & Sampson
Brownfields Assessment & Remediation
Montpelier, VT
Weston & Sampson was selected to address long-standing issues with polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) at a vacant urban lot within several blocks of the State Capitol Building in Montpelier, VT.
Brownfields Area-Wide Plan
Town & Village of Johnson, VT
Brownfields area-wide plan for the Railroad Street Corridor in the Town and Village of Johnson.
Merchant Liquefied Natural Gas Facility
Charlotte, NC
Our firm was selected to replace an existing Liquefied (LNG) Gas Plant Metering and Regulating Station in Charlotte, NC with a new facility
Community Center Pool Program
Newtown, CT
Weston & Sampson implemented a two pool program for the community center, both a lap pool and multi-use pool.
New Aquatic Facility Design
Rutland, VT
Assessment of the municipal pool at White Memorial Park, resulting in the development of a new aquatic facility.
Michael Smith, PE and David Elmer, PE to Lead Upcoming Webinar
Weston & Sampson’s Michael Smith, PE and David Elmer, PE will be leading an upcoming webinar put on by the New England Water Environment Association (NEWEA) titled “An Innovative Approach to Brewery Wastewater Treatment.”
Weston & Sampson’s Sarah DeStefano to Co-Chair Upcoming Webinar
Sarah DeStefano, Weston & Sampson’s Brownfields Team Leader, will be co-chairing an upcoming webinar put on by the EBC Connecticut Chapter titled “Brownfields Funding and Planning Updates-When Life Gives You Lemons…”
Third-Party Gas System Review
Holyoke and Southampton, MA
Holyoke Gas & Electric (HG&E) selected Weston & Sampson to review the overpressure protection on their low and intermediate pressure distribution systems to the communities of Holyoke and Southampton in western Massachusetts.
Get to Know…
Kris Miller is a Well & Pump Inspector in Weston & Sampson’s Manchester, New Hampshire office, working with clients all over New England.