A wastewater treatment facility.

CSO mitigation, wet weather flows, and regulatory compliance—a look into Fitchburg’s collection system separation and rehabilitation plan

By Christopher Mackin and Frank Occhipinti. In 2012, Fitchburg, Massachusetts, entered into a consent decree (CD) with the United States
Department of Justice, EPA, and the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP). This was a result of the city failing to meet the combined sewer overflow (CSO) discharge requirements in its 2010 National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit (United States, Commonwealth of Massachusetts v. City of Fitchburg, 2012).

Vape pens and underwear pulled from a school’s wastewater disposal system.

Flush with Success: The Hidden Value of Clean Wastewater Systems in Commercial Real Estate

By Bill Idarola. In the competitive world of commercial real estate, the often-overlooked cleanliness and maintenance of wastewater disposal systems can make a significant difference. Proper management of these systems not only protects property values and operational efficiency but also helps avoid costly blockages, environmental fines, and unwanted publicity.