Bridges to Prosperity Jabiro Team

Picture of Bridges to Prosperity Jabiro Banner

Five Weston & Sampson professionals are participating in the Jabiro Suspended Bridge build in Rwanda. We are joined by volunteers from Mott MacDonald in Canada, and are supported as well by the Bridges to Prosperity headquarters staff. Finally, companies and participants from the local community of Jabiro will be our collaborators.

Margaret McCarthy
Margaret McCarthy
Project Lead

Margaret has more than 20 years of experience in multidisciplinary infrastructure engineering and construction projects. Her  technical and project management experience includes the planning, design, and construction of vertical and horizontal utilities for various municipal sectors clients. Margaret has worked closely with local, state, and federal regulatory agencies, as well as a variety of stakeholders.  Margaret helped develop Weston & Sampson’s Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Access (IDEA) initiative which promotes a sense of belonging and equitable representation across our organization and empowerment of employees to incorporate IDEAS values into the work they perform.  Margaret is passionate about giving back to the community currently serving on the Board of Directors for YWCA of Greater Newburyport, a former Board Member and coach for Youth Soccer (football) League.  When this opportunity with Bridges to Prosperity presented itself, Margaret could not wait to get involved. When she is not working, volunteering or visiting with her two grown adult children she enjoys traveling, hiking with her dog, biking, ballroom dancing and was recently SCUBA certified.

Valeria Segawa
Valeria Segawa
Communications Lead

Valeria is a geotechnical engineer within the Environmental, Geotechnical, and Energy group at Weston & Sampson. Originally from Uganda, a neighboring country to Rwanda, she has first-hand experience of the transformative impact of infrastructure projects on rural communities.

Having made the move to the United States five years ago, Valeria is keenly aware of the opportunities she has been afforded for her education and career. She carries a profound sense of gratitude and a compelling drive to give back. Engaging in this Bridges to Prosperity initiative presents the ideal opportunity for her to pay it forward.

Bradley Randall
Bradley Randall
Construction Lead

Bradley is a site civil and water Project Engineer with the Weston & Sampson Water Team, based in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. He works extensively with Civil 3D creating construction plan sets for site civil and water distribution projects and has a strong background in plans, record drawings, cost estimation, specifications, GIS, safety, and construction engineering representative work. Bradley has a strong desire to work and volunteer on construction projects in the international sector with focus on Africa and South America. He first heard of B2P while completing a bachelor’s degree in Civil & Environmental Engineering, with a minor in Construction Management, at the University of Maine. Since then, he has been eager to contribute to building a B2P bridge. In his free time Bradley enjoys hiking with his wife and dog and has completed the Appalachian Mountain Club’s New England Hundred Highest, New Hampshire Winter 48 4,000-Footer, and New England 67 4,000-Footer peak lists.

Lee Rosberg
Lee Rosberg
Safety Lead

Lee is a geologist and Senior Project Manager with Weston & Sampson’s Environmental Geotechnical & Energy Team in the Waterbury, Vermont office. His focus is on the environmental assessment and remediation of contaminated sites, Brownfields redevelopment, and emerging contaminants. He is passionate about the revitalization of local economies by repurposing former industrial properties in ways that fit a community’s current needs. While in college, Lee studied abroad in Kenya. After graduating he led community service trips for United States high school students in Tanzania, constructing housing for primary school teachers in a rural community. He works well with others and is excited to collaborate with the Bridges to Prosperity Jabiro project team. Lee enjoys running and spending quality time hiking, skiing, camping, and hanging out with his wife and two teenage children.

Connor Golden
Connor Golden
Logistics Lead

Connor is a Project Engineer in Weston & Sampson’s transportation group, located in Manchester, NH. Connor is a licensed professional engineer who specializes in highway and roadway design. He has worked on a variety of projects for local, state, and federal clients throughout his career including roadway/bridge reconstructions and widenings, interstate mainline & ramp design, intersection design, roadway maintenance, and safety improvements.

Connor attended a Bridges to Prosperity presentation this past spring and was immediately drawn in by the idea and mission of B2P. When the opportunity arose, he couldn’t help but get involved with the Jabiro project. Connor is looking forward to spending time with the community and adding valuable infrastructure that will allow safe passage of the river to community members no matter what the season.

While not at work, Connor spends most of his time enjoying the outdoors. He loves to ski, bike, or otherwise spend time outside experiencing life with his girlfriend and dog.

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