Frank Ricciardi, PE, LSP and Indrani Ghosh, Ph.D. discuss mandates driving climate resiliency business in the 2019 third quarter issue of the Climate Change Business Journal® (CCBJ). READ THE FULL ARTICLE HERE.
CCBJ is a subscription-based business research publication, serving as the centerpiece of business intelligence providing detailed market research on nine segments of the Climate Change Industry. The journal provides an analysis of markets and business opportunities for the project management and technology development community.
Highlights from the article
- A discussion of top trends shaping the market for climate change adaptation and resilience services
- Integrating low-impact development and green infrastructure with resiliency to extreme weather and climate change
- Innovative approaches to flood vulnerability evaluation
- Hazard Mitigation Plans (HMPs) vs Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness Plans (MVPs)
- Significant trends in resiliency funding
Want to know more?
View more of our climate resiliency services here.
Permission to reprint the article
Environmental Business International Inc., publisher of CCBJ, gives Weston & Sampson permission to post this reprint on its website, to forward it electronically for marketing purposes only, to print hard copies for marketing purposes only, and to link to it on social media. All copies must show the article in full, with credits and copyright notices.