Coastal Resiliency

Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) for Coastal Resiliency

Weston & Sampson supported the Town of Salisbury’s climate change vulnerability assessment and resiliency planning, funded by a Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) grant from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Participation in the process is strengthening the town’s resilience to the impacts of climate change such as flooding and extreme heat. Weston & Sampson is providing Salisbury with technical support, including the assessment of climate change data and planning tools to identify hazards associated with climate change as well as the development of strategies to improve resilience.

With several certified MVP-providers on staff, Weston & Sampson follows the MVP process, which was developed by The Nature Conservancy and Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs. We assisted Salisbury in developing a core team of town staff and volunteers representing town planning departments, emergency managers, conservation commissioners, economic councils, the business community, and other key stakeholders.

Our team facilitated community an MVP workshop and assisted participants in identifying environmental hazards, at-risk assets, adaptation strategies, and priority actions. We also produced a final report summarizing the workshop findings and outlining the next steps to improve resilience for the community. The report included information related to current land use and demographics, top environmental hazards, and local areas at risk. Successful completion of the program enables the Town of Salisbury to be certified as an MVP community and be eligible for follow-up grant funding opportunities.


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