Bridge Rehabilitation Projects

Weston & Sampson was selected under an on-call structural engineering contract to analyze the condition of two bridges and develop construction documents to rehabilitate them.

The two bridges in Collier County (Bridge No. 034037 on Immokalee Road and Bridge No. 034048 on Randall Boulevard, both in Naples) have been in service for over 50 years and are in need of specific repairs according to the most recent Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) inspection reports.

We have conducted detailed investigations regarding the condition of each bridge, including in-depth topside and underwater bridge inspections, and we are preparing specific repair details and rehabilitation plans. We are performing hydraulic and scour evaluations and designing scour revetment systems to mitigate the existing channel scour and prevent future severe scour, which is of particular concern. Additional tasks include roadway safety improvements and structural rehabilitation design, bathymetric and topographic surveys, traffic control design, environmental permitting, agency coordination, bid support, and construction phase services.

The South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD), Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP), and the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) will all be involved. We expect temporary closures at the shoulders and outside lanes of the heavily traveled Immokalee Road. For Randall Boulevard, which has less traffic, we will evaluate the option of a short distance detour versus temporary lane closures on the bridge with alternating one-way traffic. The plans, specifications, estimates, and calculations will be in accordance with the applicable FDOT procedures and guidelines. The end result of our work will be thorough and detailed construction documents that will provide Collier County with a reliable roadmap with which to rehabilitate both bridges.



LOCATION: Collier County, FL


  • topographic and bathymetric survey
  • structural analysis & design
  • hydraulic modeling
  • scour revetment design
  • traffic control plans
  • utility coordination
  • bridge inspection
  • permitting

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