Comprehensive Services for Bridge Replacement

Engineering Services for the S-22/S-98 Bridge Replacement Project over the Enoree River

Weston & Sampson provided engineering services for the S-22/S-98 Bridge Replacement project on behalf of the South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT). The project design team coordinated with SCDOT to provide a detailed bridge hydraulic report and a bridge type study, making recommendations on the proposed design. The new 540-foot bridge is located over the Enoree River on the Union/Laurens County line and consists of a sand-lightweight concrete deck slab, supported on 72-inch modified bulb tee beams. The lowest chord elevation was raised up approximately 4 feet, including 2 feet of freeboard, to allow for passage. The realigned bridge approaches are 1,568 feet long on the Laurens County side and 2,546 feet long on the Union County side.

The scope of work included demolition of the existing bridge, construction of the replacement bridge, and roadway approaches in both directions, while utilizing the existing right of way. Project efforts included setting up a 20-mile temporary detour to allow for an uninterrupted daily flow of traffic.

Though challenging at times, the completion of this project provided SCDOT with an innovate design that met their needs and expectations. The new bridge design incorporated a longer main span to meet hydraulic requirements, extra girders to accommodate the longer span, and lightweight concrete bridge decking. The existing bridge was eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places and required detailed coordination with the department and SHPO. Mitigation was reached and culminated in a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between the department and SHPO.


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