Dry River Flood Control System
The Dry River Flood Control System consists of dams, spillways, channels and conduits and was constructed by the City of Watervliet between 1912-1913 to control flooding. The concrete and earthen Class “C” High Hazard Dams are regulated by the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC), but were constructed before design regulations were established. In 2007, the City of Watervliet was issued an Order on Consent to perform engineering studies and implement upgrades to bring the dam structures into compliance with current regulations to prevent structure failure and substantial loss of property and life.
The City of Watervliet engaged Weston & Sampson to provide engineering services required by the NYSDEC’s Order on Consent including the following:
- Determine if the dams were capable of meeting current design guidelines
- Prepare an engineer’s report and permitting documents
- Perform a topographic and property survey
- Model the hydraulics and hydrology of the watershed and the Dry River System
- Develop an Emergency Action Plan
- Develop an inspection and maintenance plan
- Conduct a dam stability analysis
- Prepare contract documents for remedial construction
- Administer and oversee construction
The completed dams now meet all future guidelines, including passage of 100% of the PMF.