Historic Park Restoration

Monument Park Restoration

Weston & Sampson completed the preliminary and final designs, contract documents, and con­struction administration services related to the restoration of Monument Park in downtown Fitchburg. Monument Park is a National Register property developed in 1872 to commemorate the sacrifices of Fitchburg residents who perished in the Civil War.

The simple, rectangular-shaped parcel contains a Civil War monument, stone dust pathways, perimeter plantings, and open lawn areas. The park is completely enclosed by historic cast iron fencing. The main emphasis on the project was the restoration and recasting of all cast iron fence components including rails, posts, balusters, and all integral appurtenances and hardware. Weston & Sampson under­took extensive research and investigation related to the original casting of the fence system (ca 1872), refurbishment of original wood patterns, and methodology of casting and installation of the restored fencing.

Work also included the refurbishment of all granite retaining walls and lawn areas, installation of water service and irrigation systems, installation of below ground electrical services, installation of new plantings, and refurbishment of the Civil War Monument.


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