Historic Common Restoration

Boston Common - Various Projects

At the Boston Common, Weston & Sampson provided complete design and construction administration services to the City of Boston for the res­toration of the historic Parkman Bandstand brick pathways, which were originally designed by the Olmsted Brothers (Ca. 1911), and surrounding lawn areas. We developed contemporary construction detailing practices to restore the site to its original grandeur and increase the longevity of the work.

Weston & Sampson also recently completed design and construction administration services for the reconstruction of Oliver Wendell Holmes Mall, which links the Boylston Street Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) Station to the Guild Stairs at Beacon Street (near the Statehouse).

Work included the pulverizing of all existing pavements, new full depth pavements, granite bench pads and benches, extensive storm drainage improvements, and tree plantings along this major 4,000 linear foot pedestrian corridor.


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