Brownfields Real Estate Assistance

Environmental Work on PAHs and Other Contaminants

Weston & Sampson supported work for this Brownfield project initially on behalf of the Bennington County Regional Commission, later for the prospective purchasers and current site owners. The Barlow Gravel Pit property encompasses 95 acres and is a mix of rural woodland, open fields, ponds, and an ACT 250 permitted gravel pit. Within this parcel is a 1.5 acre town landfill that operated between the 1960s and 1970s. In addition to receiving typical municipal solid waste, industrial waste was also disposed and buried at the site from the Pownal Tannery Superfund Site. The former site owner was retired and used the property for recreation. It was his wish to use the Brownfield program to aid in funding the environmental testing necessary prior to transfer of ownership. Once we conducted the necessary environmental work, property ownership was successfully transferred. The site has resumed gravel operations and is being developed as a homestead.


  • Contaminants from a former town landfill
  • Waste received by nearby Pownal Tannery Superfund Site
  • PAHs and metals

Work Phases

  • Phase I ESA
  • Phase II ESA
  • Groundwater Monitoring
  • Drinking Water Sampling
  • Deed Restriction
  • BRELLA Application


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