EBCNE Emerging Contaminants Webinar

PFAS in Wastewater, Surface Water, and Biosolids – The Next Big Thing?

Weston & Sampson’s Steve LaRosa and Corey Repucci will be leading an upcoming webinar presented by the Environmental Business Council of New England (EBC) titled “PFAS in Wastewater, Surface Water, and Biosolids – The Next Big Thing?” Steve will co-chair and Corey will be a featured speaker for the event, which will take place on Thursday, March 25, 2021 from 9:00am – 12:00pm. Steve’s co-chair will be Peter Durning of Mackie Shea Durning, PC. Other speakers will be Charles Neslund from Eurofins Lancaster Laboratories, Jim Occhialini with Alpha Analytical, and Eamon Twohig with the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation. The webinar will provide crucial information regarding recent developments in EPA Region 1 NPDES permitting requiring PFAS monitoring and potential cost impacts. The presentation will also address the lack of broadly accepted analytical methods for assessing PFAS in wastewater and surface water. General Continuing Education Certificates will be awarded by the EBC for this webinar. 


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