Julie Ernst, Brandon Kunkel, and Gene Bolinger to Discuss the Refurbishment of Langone Park & Puopolo Playground
Julie Eaton Ernst, Brandon Kunkel, and Gene Bolinger will be leading the next in a series of webinars put on by the Environmental Business Council of New England (EBCNE) on Friday, August 7, 2020 from 12:00 - 1:30 pm. The series features projects and organizations that are leading the way in climate change adaptation and mitigation in New England. In this webinar, they will be discussing the refurbishment of Langone Park & Puopolo Playground which used an advanced model that simulates the effects of tides, storm surge, wind, waves, wave setup, river discharge, sea level rise, and future climate change scenarios. The other co-speaker will be Cathy Baker-Eclipse, Project Manager with the City of Boston Parks and Recreation Department. Please register at https://ebcne.org/event/ebc-climate-change-webinar-series-refurbishment-of-langone-park-puopolo-playground/?instance_id=