Emergency Response and Various On-Call Environmental Services
Weston & Sampson has provided emergency on-call LSP services for several fuel releases in Massachusetts.
Interstate 495 North
Weston & Sampson managed the cleanup of a diesel fuel spill due to a truck accident that released of about 70 gallons of fuel. An immediate response action (IRA) was initiated to excavate and dispose of impacted soil. IRA activities included the excavation, removal, and disposal of 71 tons (47 cubic yards) of petroleum-impacted soil, and post-excavation sampling and analysis. Soil was excavated to a maximum depth of 6 feet below grade. Analysis of post-excavation soil samples did not identify concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbons above Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MCP) Method 1 S-1 standards. A Method 1 risk characterization found no significant risk to human health, safety, public welfare, and the environment. Since the site met criteria for a Class A-2 Response Action Outcome (RAO), we prepared an Immediate Response Action Completion (IRAC) and Class A-2 RAO Statement to achieve regulatory closure.
Residential Oil Release, Marlborough
Weston & Sampson provided LSP services for a heating oil spill that occurred when a tenant attempted to move a residential trash barrel containing approximately 15 gallons of No. 2 fuel oil from an aboveground storage tank. Our IRA activities included the excavation, removal, and disposal of 7.9 tons (approximately 5.2 cubic yards) of petroleum-impacted soil, post-excavation soil sampling and analysis, and a screening of possible impacts of fuel oil and asbestos to the basement floor to address MassDEP requirements. Analysis of post-excavation soil samples did not identify concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbons above MCP Method 1 S-1 standards. Based on the results of the risk characterization and the low concentrations of oil impacts, the site met the criteria for a Class A-2 RAO and regulatory closure.
Diesel Fuel Release, Knox Trail Junior High School, Spencer
Weston & Sampson coordinated the cleanup of a diesel fuel release from a school bus, overseeing the removal of about 300 gallons of diesel fuel/water mixture from a tributary located along the bus route in Spencer. The oil/water mixture was removed and disposed off-site under a hazardous waste manifest as state regulated oil waste. Absorbent booms and pads were deployed throughout the bus route to mitigate further impacts to the catch basins. Weston & Sampson worked with MassDEP to reach the required level of MCP compliance.