Energy Efficient Lighting Upgrades

DPW and WTP Energy Efficient Lighting Upgrades

Weston & Sampson recently assisted the Town of Lincoln with lighting upgrades at two town-owned facilities. These upgrades were designed to conserve energy and improve lighting quality and quantity. Additionally, the upgrades provide environmental benefits, and reduction in time and labor associated with less maintenance. We also installed occupancy sensors to work with the new fixtures, which will reduce the run hours, as lighting will only be utilized when and where it is needed. The new system includes installation of the following equipment:

Department of Public Works

  • 21 LED Fixtures / 16 Sensors
  • The fixtures include LED options for Wrap, Strip, Highbay, Exterior Wall Packs and Highbay as well as Wall Switch sensors.

Water Treatment Plant

  • 38 LED Fixtures / 10 Sensors
  • The fixtures include LED options for A Lamps, 2x2, Vaportight, Highbay, Exterior Area Lights and Highbay as well as Wall Switch sensors.

These projects were eligible for incentives under the energy efficiency program offered by the New Hampshire Electric Co-op. Weston & Sampson assisted the town in applying for a utility rebate. As a result the town received a rebate from NH Electric Co-op in the amount of $9,198 which accounted for 50% of the total project. The remaining $9,195 was financed on the town’s electric bill, leaving $0 in up-front, out-of-pocket costs.


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