Medfield, MA
Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MCP) response actions for eight open Release Tracking Numbers (RTN) at the former Medfield State Hospital.
Category Archives: Environmental Consulting
Emergency On-Call LSP Services
Various Communities
In association with EQ Industrial Services, emergency on-call LSP services for several fuel releases in Massachusetts.
Statewide On-Call Environmental Services
Various Communities
Emergency response and various on-call environmental services for the Massachusetts Department of Transportation.
LSP Services for Residential Oil Spill
North Reading, MA
Emergency response and LSP activities related to the release of more than 200 gallons of fuel oil in a private residence.
Immediate Response Actions After Transformer Release
Peabody, MA
Incident response following a transformer release at a residential apartment complex.
Impact Area Assessment
Bedford, MA
Environmental consulting and LSP services at Hanscom Field in response to a plane crash and subsequent release of jet fuel and hydraulic oil into the Shawsheen River.
PFOA Investigation
North Bennington, VT
Investigation and assessment of the extent and degree of perfluorinated compound contamination surrounding a former Teflon coating plant.
Comprehensive Solid Waste Services
Regional Waste Management Clients
Engineering and construction related solid and hazardous waste assessment and due diligence services to many of Waste Management’s regional companies.
Mine Superfund Site Redevelopment
South Strafford, VT
Engineering services to further expand and develop Bow’s existing waste transfer and recycling facility.
Expansion of Waste Transfer Facility
Bow, NH
Engineering services to further expand and develop Bow’s existing waste transfer and recycling facility.