Gloucester, MA
Comprehensive services for dam rehabilitation at Babson Reservoir.
Category Archives: Environmental Consulting
Airline Trail – Multidisciplinary Bridge Design Services
Pomfret, CT
Multidisciplinary Services for design of pedestrian and equestrian bridges, Pomfret, CT.
Nutrient Loading / Wastewater Planning and Permitting
Wastewater planning and permitting services for a 1,175-unit development on 1,500 acres of undeveloped/agricultural land.
Comprehensive On-Call Environmental Services
Boston, MA
Comprehensive on-call environmental services for Boston’s Department of Neighborhood Development.
Redevelopment of Historic Urban Brownfield Site
Boston, MA
Boston, MA
Environmental consultant for redevelopment of the historic Ferdinand, Curtis, and Waterman Buildings into the new Bruce C. Bolling Municipal Office Facility.