Gas and Electric Line Permitting
Weston & Sampson was commissioned by SCE&G to design and permit a number of extensions, replacements, and conversions to gas and electric lines. Typically these projects include route inspections and necessary surveying to complete all permits requirements. Standard deliverables include: Waters of the U.S. (or state) identified and shown, plan and profile drawings to include details, electronic AutoCAD file of the route survey, and preparation of Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Manuals with all necessary permits completed and acquired for the client. The development of templates and standards used by the client have enabled a quick project turn around. Even though each project is different, the creation of these documents and check lists have ensured the quality of work while increasing efficiency for the client.
Some of the projects included the crossing of wetlands, navigable waters and interstates. Projects that included impacts to wetlands were surveyed by Weston & Sampson and verified by the Army Corps of Engineers. Coordination involved Ocean & Coastal Resource Management permitting to include local MS4 Stormwater Permits and Coastal Zone Certification Permits. Typical road crossings included permit submittals to the South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) and Federal Highway Administration, as well as short and long Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD).