Kris Miller
Get to Know…Kris Miller
Kris Miller is a Well & Pump Inspector in Weston & Sampson’s Manchester, New Hampshire office, coming to us this past June after six years of hands-on experience in well redevelopment and drilling using cable tool rigs. Kris has worked on everything from rig maintenance, disassembling and reinstalling both vertical turbine and submersible pumping equipment to prepping pipe and other materials for new wells. Now that he’s on board, he’ll be working with clients all over New England to flow test their wells and associated pumping equipment to evaluate and optimize their performance, as well as similar testing services for treatment plant and booster pumps.
Kris would love to talk to you about ways to make your wells and pumps work smarter, not harder.
Contact Information
(508) 782-2895, or 800-SAMPSON