Ghosh Featured in Charles River Watershed Association Report

Indrani Ghosh, Ph.D.

Indrani Ghosh, Ph.D.

Weston & Sampson's Indrani Ghosh, PhD joins the Charles River Watershed Association’s Julie Wood in this WBUR piece detailing a new report that finds communities along the Charles River will experience an appreciable increase in flooding within the next 50 years due to climate change.

Using rainfall projections from future climate change scenarios, the report modeled the impact of future storms on 20 towns along the river and found many places where flooding from inadequate drainage capacity could impact critical infrastructure, such as existing dams, facilities, roadways, and homes. Dr. Ghosh, who served as the Technical Lead on the project, said that in the extreme case of 100-year storms occurring over 24 hours, flooding could reach three feet above ground in some low-lying areas.

The report can help towns to make planning and early action decisions.

Listen in for five key takeaways from the report, including potential projects that could be used to mitigate flood impacts.

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