ESRI GIS Water Database Updates for Fitchburg, Massachusetts
The City of Fitchburg was awarded a grant from the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Project (MassDEP) and its State Revolving Fund (SRF) partner, the Massachusetts Clean Water Trust, to continue its Asset Management efforts related to the water, wastewater, and stormwater systems. Utilizing these funds, the city selected the services of Weston & Sampson to construct a water distribution database built upon ESRI GIS.
In addition to the creation of the water system, the city requested an update to its existing wastewater and stormwater GIS data. The city-supplied data was in scanned PDF and CAD formats. The Weston & Sampson GIS team used the ESRI Water Utility Data Model as a base to construct the Water Distribution data set. Our team reformatted and orthorectified the scanned plans, and digitized the information within the plan to the corresponding utility layer. Weston & Sampson also created a separate feature layer outlining the plan drawing area. Individual plans were linked to the boundary and made available to the end user.
- 1,000 individual as-built plans
- approximately 190 miles of water main
- grant secured and funded
- first water distribution system of its kind in the city