Grants Available to Upgrade Failing Culverts


DER’s Culvert Replacement Municipal Assistance Grant Program 

Weston & Sampson is geared up to help Massachusetts communities prepare grant applications for a Division of Ecological Restoration (DER)’s Department of Fish and Game program. The program seeks to assist Massachusetts municipalities replace undersized, perched, and/or degraded culverts located in areas of high ecological value.

The purpose of the funding is to encourage municipalities to replace culverts with better designed crossings that meet improved structural and environmental design standards and climate resiliency criteria. In general, individual awards have ranged from $25,000 to $400,000, depending on the project phases and work proposed. Awards over $200,000 are anticipated for construction projects only.

Pre-RFR project inquiries are due January 31, 2022. While optional, this step provides potential applicants with important feedback on their project before submitting an application during the Request for Response (RFR) period. The RFR is expected to be issued February 14, 2022 with a deadline of March 14, 2022.

Weston & Sampson has helped dozens of cities and towns across the state replace or upgrade their failing culverts. We also have significant experience in helping our clients write and submit millions of dollars in successful grant applications.

Contact us with your grant strategy needs:

To learn how Weston & Sampson can help you prepare a pre-RFR inquiry and grant application, please contact Craig Wood at or 1-800-SAMPSON.

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