Weston & Sampson is providing geotechnical and environmental engineering services for Eversource’s proposed Greater Cambridge Energy system.
The project includes the installation of 8.3 miles of new subsurface conduit for 115 kV electric transmission lines through the urban neighborhoods of Cambridge, Somerville, and Boston. Four separate lines will connect the proposed East Cambridge substation on Binney Street in Cambridge to the existing Brighton Substation, proposed Somerville Substation, and proposed Kendall Power Plant. The new conduits will primarily be installed by cut-and-cover techniques with some segments installed using trenchless techniques below roadways, the Charles River, and areas with dense existing utilities.
Weston & Sampson has completed 100+ borings and groundwater monitoring wells along the proposed conduit alignments to enable groundwater sampling and permeability testing. Data from the borings will be used to provide geotechnical recommendations for support of vaults and manholes and trenchless construction techniques; and environmental soils management recommendations.
LOCATION: Cambridge, MA
- geotechnical and environmental borings
- geotechnical recommendations for proposed vaults and trenchless crossings.
- groundwater sampling and testing
- permeability testing
- recommendations for contaminated soils management
- support permitting for public and private properties