Design & Construction for Lary Lane Groundwater Treatment Plant
The Town of Exeter selected Weston & Sampson to design and provide construction services for a new pressure filtration facility utilizing Greensand PlusTM filter media. The facility was designed to provide treatment for the removal of iron, manganese, and arsenic for the Town of Exeter’s three existing groundwater production wells and one future well.
The Lary Lane Groundwater Treatment Plant treats 1.56-million gallons per day (mgd) using three, nine-foot-diameter greensand pressure filters. A fourth filter will be installed in the future to treat additional flow, raising the facility’s treatment flow rate to 2.06 mgd.
Additional design elements of the treatment facility include a bathroom, laboratory area, fully automated SCADA system integration with the existing surface water treatment plant, site piping, and construction of a paved driveway and gravel access road along the perimeter of the lagoon. The project also included reactivation of the existing Stadium and Gilman gravel-packed water supply wells. We completely refurbished the Gilman well building and renovated the Lary Lane well building to meet current needs. The existing River pump station was outfitted to include the controls required for operation of the Stadium Well, in addition to the construction of a vault at the well site.
A raw water transmission main was constructed based on the results of a routing study. This water main connects the Stadium, Gilman, and Lary Lane well sites to the new groundwater treatment facility. The project included the installation of a water main via horizontal directional drill methods under the Exeter River and approximately 6,200 linear feet of new pipe.