Weston & Sampson Leads GSRWA PFAS Webinar

Weston & Sampson Subject Matter Experts to Lead Webinar on PFAS Compounds in New Hampshire’s Water Supply

PFAS Logistics and Case Studies at GSRWA

PFAS Logistics and Case Studies at GSRWA


 On Tuesday, December 15, 2020, several subject matter experts from Weston & Sampson will conduct a webinar in association with the Granite State Rural Water Association (GSRWA) entitled “PFAS Logistics and Case Studies.”  The webinar will last from 8:30 am until noon. 

Blake Martin, Kevin MacKinnon, Kyle Hay and Frank Getchell, along with Jim Occhialini of Alpha Analytical Laboratories and Albert Pratt of the City of Portsmouthwill focus on the origin of PFAS compounds, their pervasiveness in the environment, and their impact on water and wastewater systems. They will also discuss examples of the currently accepted approaches to treatment, along with the related effectiveness, costs, and maintenance aspects of the respective systems.  


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