Hazard Mitigation Plan

Actions and Policies to Minimize Losses Resulting from Natural Hazards

Weston & Sampson assisted the Town of Narragansett with its Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP), which recommended actions and policies for the town to minimize the social and economic losses and hardships resulting from natural hazards, such as severe weather, hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, tornadoes, heat wave, and drought. These hardships include the loss of life, destruction of property, damage to crucial infrastructure and critical facilities, loss/interruption of jobs, loss/damage to businesses, and loss/damage to significant historical structures. The HMP was adopted through a complex public and regulatory process that included:

  • Review by Local Hazard Mitigation Committee
  • Notice for public comment
  • Public meeting
  • Review and approval by the Rhode Island Emergency Management Agency
  • Review and approval pending adoption by the Federal Emergency Management Agency
  • Adoption by Town Council by Resolution on January 7, 2019

Weston & Sampson assisted with final development and drafting of the HMP, coordination with state and federal reviewers, presentation at public meetings, and incorporation of comments from the regulatory and public review processes. A key element of this project was to assist the town in meeting an ambitious 3-month schedule for completion and approval of the plan. Weston & Sampson helped the town to beat that deadline by two weeks.


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