Sustainable Shoreline Design at Hudson Shores Park

Sustainable Shoreline Design, Vegetation Management Plan & Estuary Restoration at Hudson Shores Park, NY

Weston & Sampson provided landscape architecture, vegetation management, and survey services for the design of a sustainable shoreline and estuary restoration along the Hudson River at Hudson Shores Park in Watervliet, New York.

In partnership with Gomez & Sullivan Engineers, Weston & Sampson developed plans to restore the shoreline and develop a vegetation management plan while providing community access to the tidal flats at the riverside park. A topographic survey was conducted during low-tide conditions along 1,400 linear feet of the shoreline. A site inventory was conducted to document species and condition of existing trees and vegetation affected by the project. Our team developed a comprehensive invasive species vegetation management plan with extensive notes for invasives removal (and off-site disposal) and prepared a planting specification that includes instructions for live staking in rip-rap and on a slope.Vegetation treatments to be applied include, but are not limited to:

  • Low-Volume Foliar Treatment is a low-volume herbicide mixture applied to targeted plants/species during foliar season, primarily applied to herbaceous and tree/shrub species less than 10 feet tall.
  • Cut & Treat involves cutting the stem of the plant, removing the cuttings, and treating the cut stem with an herbicide. This method is appropriate for small populations that are very close to desirable, non-target species and is primarily used to selectively remove/kill woody shrubs and trees (e.g., Black Alder, Tree of Heaven, honeysuckle, and buckthorn shrubs).
  • Stem Injection involves injecting herbicide directly into the stem of an herbaceous plant (appropriate for on-site knotweed treatment).
  • Other methods include hand pulling and hand-wicking of invasives.

Gomez & Sullivan Engineers provided habitat mapping, which was informed by programming and preliminary design. Diligent research of relevant shoreline restoration and estuary recovery materials was performed to ensure site features and planting strategies would serve to enhance and rehabilitate the aquatic and terrestrial habitats. Planting details specific to steep slope and riverine restoration were created for the project. A stone staircase with abutting boulder gardens were designed to draw visitors through the landscape and down to the river’s edge. Conceptual shoreline design and illustrative graphics were submitted for review, as well as opinion of probable cost estimates. After approval, a complete set of design documents appropriate for construction, specifications, and cost estimates were produced for the client.


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