Well Replacement

Weinstein Replacement Well Design and Permitting

In 2010, the Town of Hudson received a well development report that identified a weld failure between the well casing and screen in one of their largest producing water supply wells known as the Weinstein Well. At this time, the town enlisted the services of Weston & Sampson to provide an alternative analysis to determine the proper course of action to ensure that their largest producing well would continue to deliver one million gallons per day (MGD) of clean drinking water. After a thorough comparative evaluation between replacing the well and lining the well was completed, the town decided to proceed with replacing the well to ensure a higher probability that the source yield would continue to provide 1 MGD.

Once the town was able to secure funding for the first phase of the project, Weston & Sampson conducted a test well drilling program to identify the most favorable location for the replacement well. Once a location was identified and funds were secured for the next phase of work, the permitting efforts with the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (DES) were begun with the preparation and submittal of the proposed pumping test plan.

Once DES approvals were secured, the production well drilling began. The production well was successfully constructed.


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