Improvements to Baseball Facility

Nipper-Maher Park

Weston & Sampson has assisted the City of Waltham with six distinct phases of improvements to this important park and open space facility. Nipper Maher Playground is essential to the daily lives of residents from surrounding neighborhoods, city sports leagues, and other residents of Waltham. The property, with four major baseball facilities, is home to a host of local sports leagues. Improvements have included the installation of a children’s splash pad, refurbished children’s playground, below ground stormwater management systems, and minor field upgrades. Previous services included work at three existing fields and the construction of one new field.

More specifically, site improvements have included concession building renovations, major baseball and Little League field improvements, the installation of bleacher systems with shade shelters, pathway systems, park landscaping, and the placement of a variety of site furnishings and amenities throughout the property.



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