A plan to reduce the impacts of climate change to Waltham’s buildings and infrastructure, environment, and vulnerable populations.
Category Archives: Industry-Municipal
Solar Energy Facility Design & Permitting
Orlando, FL
Solar energy facility design and permitting at a former coal-fired power plant.
Resilient Massachusetts Action Team (RMAT) Technical Support
Lead technical consultant in the development of statewide climate resilience standards and guidelines that integrate specific climate resilience actions into state and municipal capital planning efforts through a web-based tool.
Subaqueous Force Main Replacement
Naples, FL
Subaqueous force main replacement using horizontal directional drilling
Wastewater Clarifier System Upgrades
Immokalee, FL
Services for wastewater clarifier system upgrades.
Pine Island Road Water Main Replacement
Pine Island, FL
Water main replacement, including design, permitting, and construction oversight.
Nature-Based Solutions at Horn Pond
Design and construct nature-based improvements to the Horn Pond Brook watershed to reducing flooding, improve water quality, and more.
Statewide PFAS Response Plan
EPA- and VTDEC-regulation compliant response plan and guidance document for use by public water supplies when PFAS contaminants are detected.
John Fitch Highway – Climate Resilient Improvements
A plan to remake John Fitch Highway into a resilient urban corridor in Fitchburg, Massachusetts.
Langone Park & Puopolo Playground – Resilient Waterfront Park Design
Boston Parks & Recreation Dept.
Climate resilient designs for the complete refurbishment of this signature waterfront park.