LSP Services and Brownfield Redevelopment

Licensed Site Professional (LSP) and Brownfield Redevelopment of Former Lawrence Metals Forming Facility

Weston & Sampson was retained by the City of Chelsea to provide professional environmental and on-call Licensed Site Professional (LSP) and Brownfields redevelopment support services. The main project has been the redevelopment of the former Lawrence Metals Forming (LMF) Facility in Chelsea, Massachusetts.

The LMF facility was occupied by several manufacturing facilities that contaminated the property with polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), metals, and petroleum. The property became a disposal site under the Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MCP) and Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) because PCBs were detected exceeding 100,000 mg/kg.

Several site investigations have been completed, but the site was not closed or redeveloped due to widespread elevated PCB concentrations. The city received grants from MassDevelopment and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and to assist the city with site assessment, remediation, and development of the site, Weston & Sampson performed the following:

  • Site Investigation and Development of a Remedial Plan
  • Remedial Design, Construction Oversight, and MCP/TSCA Compliance
  • Community Outreach
  • Site Investigation and Development of a Remedial Plan

Weston & Sampson performed a supplemental Phase II - Comprehensive Site Assessment with the results indicating the presence of grossly impacted, but localized areas of PCB and lead contamination in the northern portion of the site, grossly impacted and widespread PCB and lead contamination in the southern portion of the site, and low to moderate levels of PCBs under city roads. We coordinated cleanup plans with the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) and EPA. Consequently, relocation of contaminated soil from the northern to the southern portion, soil/asphalt cap to the northern portion, and engineered barrier to the southern portion of the property are being implemented. The selected remedial option was also presented at a public meeting to inform stakeholders of the cleanup program.

Weston & Sampson completed remedial design and prepared plans and specifications. In addition, we prepared all documents to comply with the requirements of the MCP and TSCA. We also provided construction administration and oversight, and close the site under the MCP and TSCA. In addition, we will be working with the developer to coordinate cleanup with end-use requirements.


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