Planning and Engineering for New Lynnfield DPW Building Addition
Weston & Sampson was part of a project team that was selected to provide planning and engineering services for a new Department of Public Works (DPW) facility. The study recommended a new 5,800 square foot addition to the existing facility to meet the existing vehicular and equipment storage deficiencies. The new building also resolved issues that were cited in the Stormwater Audit for the Highway Garage and Department of Public Works Yard, which Weston & Sampson prepared. The Highway Garage audit was part of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Stormwater Phase II assistance Weston & Sampson provided to the town.
Our Project Manager, through his former employer, and Weston & Sampson, provided programming, building alternatives analyses, Conservation Commission permitting, final design, funding assistance, bid assistance, and construction administration assistance for the new DPW addition and associated site work.
The project included an eight bay pre-engineered metal building, state-of-the-art ventilation system to remove exhaust fumes from the building, underground tight tank system for the wash bay and floor drains, grading, drainage controls, utility services, and paving recommendations.