The Town of Branford selected Weston & Sampson to design the reconstruction of 2,000 feet of Main Street, an urban collector roadway is located within the downtown area. Main Street serves as a main corridor with commercial activity.
The Main Street area is located within a five-minute walk of the transit-oriented development (TOD) district; it also abuts Town Hall and a community park, and encompasses an historic town green and trolley route.
Our design efforts considered multi-modal transportation, including buses, cars, bicycles, and walkers, and involved repurposing the remnant trolley tracks into the landscape. Weston & Sampson was responsible for designing improvements to roadways and intersections that would increase safety, accessibility, and mobility and for incorporating Complete Streets methodologies and traffic calming measures. Our work included examining ways to enhance traffic and pedestrian circulation and parking interconnectivity, with improved side street and off-street parking options.
Project improvements will provide for better traffic flow, safer pedestrian zones (i.e., sidewalks and crosswalks), drainage improvements, low impact development (LID), and an aesthetically enhanced streetscape. As the project progressed, the scope of our efforts morphed into a full-scale downtown revitalization project. Our team provided wholesale improvements that included placemaking, ADA accessibility enhancements, green infrastructure, street tree plantings, pedestrian lighting and furnishings, paver sidewalks, and granite curbing to fit within the context of a lively mixed-use environment downtown area serving as the heart of the Branford community. Our efforts also involved developing a public engagement plan that included public and stakeholder meetings, virtual engagement, a virtual survey, social media, and website postings.
In addition to our initial designs, Weston & Sampson will provide design services during construction and construction engineering and inspection (CE&I) services. This reconstruction and revitalization project also received funding through CTDOT’s Local Transportation Capital Improvement Program (LOTCIP).
LOCATION: Branford, CT
- roadway & drainage designs
- complete streets
- utility improvements
- stormwater management & LID
- safety improvements
- public engagement plan
- state grant funding