Master Plan for Athletic Complex

Leary Field

Weston & Sampson completed a Master Plan of the entire Leary Field complex in Waltham, including grandstands and team locker facilities, maintenance barn, track and field, including shot-put and javelin facilities, a soccer field, a high school baseball field, parking, and walking paths. We also provided final design of the baseball and soccer facilities, guest pavilions, memorials, circulation and parking, irrigation, and flood lighting. The project was complicated by the fact that the area was an incinerator fill area within the floodplain and part of a major watershed stormwater problem area, which required no filling, temporary overflow storage, and disposal of contaminated soils.

Weston & Sampson completed a risk assessment for contaminated materials, submitted requests for adjustments to the 100 year-flood/storm limits due to Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) elevations, studied the disposal requirements for soils with high arsenic and metals levels, and regraded the fields to retain an existing shallow concrete box culvert, 4 to 6 inches below turf grade. The work for this project was completed in cooperation with the Director of Facilities, the Head of Maintenance, the Athletic Director, and the Business Manager’s office over a six-year period.



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