Eversource Energy
Construction plan and installation tie-in and abandonment procedures to support GMRI.
Category Archives: Natural Gas
Natural Gas System Enhancement Program
Liberty Utilities
Construction plan and installation tie-in and abandonment procedures to support GSEP.
Gas Main Replacement
Botetourt County, Virginia
The Roanoke Gas Company selected Weston & Sampson to design and permit the replacement of about two miles of existing gas main.
Merchant Liquefied Natural Gas Facility
Charlotte, NC
Our firm was selected to replace an existing Liquefied (LNG) Gas Plant Metering and Regulating Station in Charlotte, NC with a new facility
Third-Party Gas System Review
Holyoke and Southampton, MA
Holyoke Gas & Electric (HG&E) selected Weston & Sampson to review the overpressure protection on their low and intermediate pressure distribution systems to the communities of Holyoke and Southampton in western Massachusetts.
Main Street Gas System Improvement Project
Eversource Energy
Construction plans for a natural gas system improvement project to provide an additional supply into their intermediate-pressure gas distribution system in Northbridge, Massachusetts.
Natural Gas Intake Station Operations & Maintenance and Commissioning
Hanscom AFB
O&M and commissioning plans for each regulator station, and proposed design improvements.
Alternative Fuel Supply Evaluation
Forked River Power
Alternative natural gas fuel supply options to start combustion turbines during periods when power plant natural gas supply is curtailed.
Gas Line Relocation
Charlotte, NC
Gas line relocation design and field design analysis for the relocation of 2012’ of 12” steel and 2082’ of 16” steel high pressure main at Charlotte-Douglas International Airport (CLT) Intermodal Facility
Gas Pipelines Relocation Plans
Reidsville, NC
Provide full utility conflict identification and relocation plans in support of NCDOT Roadway Improvement Project along US Business 29 (Freeway Drive) in Reidsville, NC.