You’ve Got to Know the Problem Before You Implement a Solution: A Science-Based Solution for a Failed Wastewater System

ABSTRACT | The owners of a multi-unit senior care facility in Vermont were faced with replacing an on-site, soil-based wastewater disposal system.  This was not the first time this issue was faced; this particular system had failed and been replaced multiple times over several years. Previous replacement designs expanded the leachfield footprint and used chamber-style […]

Map of Boston showing EV Charging stations.

Using GIS as a Tool to Site New Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

Weston & Sampson is in the process of executing an important project for the City of Boston to help guide curbside electric vehicle (EV) charging station installations within the city and help meet their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions target. The project goals include identifying 30 suitable curbside locations throughout the city for successful EV […]

125 Year Anniversary logo

Celebrating Our 125th Anniversary in 2024

Join us in celebrating 125 years of innovation and dedication at Weston & Sampson. Founded in 1899, our firm has pioneered advancements in water treatment and remains committed to excellence as a 100% employee-owned company. Discover our journey from a single-engineer office to a leading multi-discipline consultancy on the East Coast.

A soccer field with green grass and trees behind the field.

A Tale of Two Fields

Emily Weckman authored an article in PBR+ entitled, “A Tale of Two Fields: getting the drainage right in the athletic fields” that details Weston & Sampson’s work to redesign two parks with different drainage needs.

News & Highlights

Weston & Sampson 2025 Promotions - Weston & Sampson would like to announce several key promotions within the company. Please join us in congratulating these individuals on their accomplishments!

MBD logo Weston & Sampson is pleased to announce the addition of MBD Consulting Engineers - Weston & Sampson is pleased to announce the addition of MBD Consulting Engineers to the Weston & Sampson family of companies.

Social Media

Weston & Sampson
Weston & Sampson3 days ago
Calling all Florida Polytechnic University students!

Weston & Sampson will be at the #STEM Career Fair from 10 AM to 3 PM on Tuesday, February 11th. Drop by to discover exciting career opportunities, gain insight into our people and projects, and learn how you can become part of our team.

See you there! In the meantime, check out what co-ops and new grads can look forward to at Weston & Sampson:

#FLPolyU #CareerFair #EngineeringCareers #STEMCareers
Weston & Sampson
Weston & Sampson5 days ago
Our New Cape Cod Location!

To better serve our Cape Cod clients, Weston & Sampson is pleased to announce a new office location in Hyannis, Massachusetts.

Our address is:
396 Main Street, Unit 5A
Hyannis, Massachusetts 02601
tel: 800.SAMPSON

We are committed to continuing to provide outstanding client service from our new location, as well as our existing Massachusetts offices.

Find us along the East Coast at

#CapeCod #Hyannis #NewOffice #CapeCodBusiness

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