restoration of historical documents

Restoration of Historic Documents

Weston & Sampson performed a project that required historical existing documents to be scanned and indexed to CD\DVD for archiving. The almost 100 year old rolled historical plans (up to 42 inches by 27 feet) were carefully placed between clear sheets of plastic to protect them from damage during the scanning process. The scanned images were then geo-referenced, tiled, and re-printed into a more manageable a 42 inch by 36 inch map book.

Patty Chesebrough-NEWEA 2016 award

2016 NEWEA Committee Service Award

Congratulations to Patricia Chesebrough, recipient of the 2016 New England Water Environment Association (NEWEA) Committee Service award. The 2016 NEWEA awards ceremony took place on Wednesday, January 27 during the NEWEA 2016 Annual Conference at the Boston Marriott Copley Place Hotel in Boston, Massachusetts.

Employees inspecting a pool.

Recently Completed Pools

Pools recently completed by Weston & Sampson include two new high-profile Boston properties, including The Piano Craft Guild in the South End, and East Boston’s “The Eddy” apartments, as well as the Jewish Home in Bridgeport, Connecticut.

News & Highlights

Weston & Sampson 2025 Promotions - Weston & Sampson would like to announce several key promotions within the company. Please join us in congratulating these individuals on their accomplishments!

MBD logo Weston & Sampson is pleased to announce the addition of MBD Consulting Engineers - Weston & Sampson is pleased to announce the addition of MBD Consulting Engineers to the Weston & Sampson family of companies.

Social Media

Weston & Sampson
Weston & Sampson3 days ago
Calling all Florida Polytechnic University students!

Weston & Sampson will be at the #STEM Career Fair from 10 AM to 3 PM on Tuesday, February 11th. Drop by to discover exciting career opportunities, gain insight into our people and projects, and learn how you can become part of our team.

See you there! In the meantime, check out what co-ops and new grads can look forward to at Weston & Sampson:

#FLPolyU #CareerFair #EngineeringCareers #STEMCareers
Weston & Sampson
Weston & Sampson5 days ago
Our New Cape Cod Location!

To better serve our Cape Cod clients, Weston & Sampson is pleased to announce a new office location in Hyannis, Massachusetts.

Our address is:
396 Main Street, Unit 5A
Hyannis, Massachusetts 02601
tel: 800.SAMPSON

We are committed to continuing to provide outstanding client service from our new location, as well as our existing Massachusetts offices.

Find us along the East Coast at

#CapeCod #Hyannis #NewOffice #CapeCodBusiness

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