Brownfield Redevelopment NEREJ
Weston & Sampson’s George Naslas, PG, LSP details how Brownfields redevelopment is sometimes not just about economic development in this New England Real Estate Journal article.
The Master Planning Mindset: From napkin sketches to developing lasting landscapes
Whether a master-planning idea emerges from public-outreach efforts, community initiatives, or common needs, an idea takes hold and exploration ensues.
New Fire Protection System
Fast-track design and implementation of the Challenge & Reach Academy’s first fire sprinkler system in its 126-year-old building in Worcester.
Drinking Water Supply Challenges: A Predictive Mass Balance Model for Sustainable Reservoir Management
This article summarizes the development of a mass balance model for the managers of a southern New Hampshire reservoir to forecast likely future reservoir levels to guide water supplier decision making and balance the need for a consistent drinking water supply with ecological needs.
Weston & Sampson is pleased to announce the addition of Brooker Engineering, PLLC
Weston & Sampson is pleased to announce the addition of Brooker Engineering, PLLC to the Weston & Sampson family of companies.
Brownfield redevelopment and recent PCB regulations
Weston & Sampson’s Malcolm Beeler details Brownfields redevelopment and recent PCB regulations in this New England Real Estate Journal article.
Adapting to the Seasonal Fluctuations in Schools’ Wastewater Treatment Systems
Good planning and effective communication between project partners have proven to be the keys to operations success with the seasonal variations in a school’s onsite #wastewatertreatment system. Weston & Sampson’s Bill Idarola explains the factors to consider, in this issue of High-Profile magazine.
Best Places to Work in South Carolina
We are thrilled to announce that Weston & Sampson has been ranked as the 3rd Best Place to Work in South Carolina in the large employer category by SC Biz News!
Performance of DAF Thickening for FOG Removal in Liquid Soap Manufacturing
Michael Smith, PE co-authored an article in Journal of the New England Water Environment Association entitled “Performance of DAF Thickening for FOG Removal in Liquid Soap Manufacturing.” A contract manufacturer of soap and skincare products in Vermont needed to reduce its fats, oils, and grease (FOG) load to the local wastewater treatment plant in Essex. To achieve that goal, the manufacturer turned to a pretreatment process technology, dissolved air flotation (DAF), to lower the FOG prior to discharge to the town’s wastewater collection system.
Our New Richmond, VA Location
To better serve our Virginia clients, Weston & Sampson is pleased to announce a new office location in Richmond. Our address is: 1806 Summit Avenue, Suite 300 (Office 126) Richmond, VA.
Revitalizing a 19th-Century Island Schoolhouse with Sustainable HVAC Upgrades
By Scott Henriques, PE, LEED AP, CEM and James Barron What do you do with an historic, 1800s vintage, one-room schoolhouse experiencing destructive moisture infiltration on a small, sparsely populated island with a mostly solar microgrid? Why, mitigate the moisture and provide a modern, near-net zero HVAC system, of course. Such is the case for […]
Staying Afloat: Parking Lot Beats Runoff Challenges
A rule, known locally as the “Henry Hudson Rule,” brought roadblocks to project near Capital Repertory Theater in New York. By Amy McLean, RLA, ISA. LEED® GA; Kevin Kelly, RLA; Zachary Longo, PE After the Capital Repertory Theater near downtown Albany, New York wrapped up a recent project to revitalize its facilities, they had a […]
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