Vape pens and underwear pulled from a school’s wastewater disposal system.

Flush with Success: The Hidden Value of Clean Wastewater Systems in Commercial Real Estate

By Bill Idarola. In the competitive world of commercial real estate, the often-overlooked cleanliness and maintenance of wastewater disposal systems can make a significant difference. Proper management of these systems not only protects property values and operational efficiency but also helps avoid costly blockages, environmental fines, and unwanted publicity.

Illustration of Neural Network.

Harnessing Artificial Intelligence for Efficiency and Sustainability in the Water Industry

by Amy Vredevoogd In municipal water management, maintaining aging infrastructure while predicting and meeting the ever-evolving needs of communities presents an ongoing challenge. Traditional approaches often struggle to keep pace with the complexities inherent in such a dynamic environment. These approaches frequently rely on the use of spreadsheets, physical filing cabinets, knowledge of experienced but […]

You’ve Got to Know the Problem Before You Implement a Solution: A Science-Based Solution for a Failed Wastewater System

ABSTRACT | The owners of a multi-unit senior care facility in Vermont were faced with replacing an on-site, soil-based wastewater disposal system.  This was not the first time this issue was faced; this particular system had failed and been replaced multiple times over several years. Previous replacement designs expanded the leachfield footprint and used chamber-style […]

Map of Boston showing EV Charging stations.

Using GIS as a Tool to Site New Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

Weston & Sampson is in the process of executing an important project for the City of Boston to help guide curbside electric vehicle (EV) charging station installations within the city and help meet their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions target. The project goals include identifying 30 suitable curbside locations throughout the city for successful EV […]

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Celebrating Our 125th Anniversary in 2024

Join us in celebrating 125 years of innovation and dedication at Weston & Sampson. Founded in 1899, our firm has pioneered advancements in water treatment and remains committed to excellence as a 100% employee-owned company. Discover our journey from a single-engineer office to a leading multi-discipline consultancy on the East Coast.