Representatives of Weston & Sampson present at the 2021 NEWWA virtual Spring Learnapalooza, taking place March 29 through April 1, live streaming on Zoom.
Tuesday, March 30, 9:15 AM — “Walking Customers Back from the Ledge” MARGARET McCARTHY, PE, presents with JASON McCARTHY, Treatment Plant Manager, Town of Danvers, Danvers, MA. How well do you listen? When addressing customer's concerns regarding water quality or quantity how you say it is more important than what you say. This presentation will discuss strategies for addressing common concerns in a manner that helps build trust between water suppliers and their customers. Several examples will be presented to help water suppliers feel more confident in walking customers back from the ledge.
11:00 AM – Margaret McCarthy, PE also participates as a panelist during “Panel Discussion: Addressing Customers’ Concerns with Emerging Contaminants” led by SHARON CARROLL TIDMAN, Office Manager, Grafton Water District, Grafton, MA, and TARA KING, Revenue and Customer Operations Manager, Pennichuck Water, Nashua. The theme of the customer service session is “How to address customers’ concerns with emerging contaminants.” It will begin with presenters discussing their experience in this area. The session will end with a panel discussion answering questions about tackling communications in this area.
KYLE HAY, PE assistant moderates on Tuesday afternoon along with moderator KIRSTEN RYAN, PG, Principal Hydrogeologist, Kleinfelder, during the WATER TREATMENT II sessions from 1:00 PM – 3:30 PM.
Wednesday, March 31, 9:45 AM — “Rehabilitation of Five Dams in Massasoit State Park” TIMOTHY BLAIR, PE, and THOMAS STRIKE, PE. Weston & Sampson provided engineering, permitting, bidding, and construction services for rehabilitation of one high hazard dam and four significant hazard dams within Massasoit State Park in Taunton, Massachusetts. The dams were in poor condition and the rehabilitations incorporated recreational park improvements including walking paths, ADA-compliant pedestrian and vehicle access, a fishing structure, and beach restoration. Project challenges included strict deadlines, pond level management, permitting requirements, abandonment of outlet structures, roadway design, and improvements to seepage management systems.
Wednesday, March 31, 1:45 PM — “Effective Strategies for Planning and Managing Risks of PFAS Contamination in Drinking Water Supplies” SARA FRANCIS, EIT. With ever increasing laboratory testing sensitivity and more stringent regulatory standards, the extent and impact of PFAS contamination is being realized. Public water utilities should have a response plan in place should PFAS be detected in a water supply, particularly for their most vulnerable and critical sources. This presentation will give a brief refresher on the characteristics of PFAS, potential sources of PFAS exposure, and short term and long-term approaches to manage PFAS impacted water supplies.
Thursday, April 1, 11:00 AM — “Comprehensive Utility Asset Management in Hopkinton, MA: A Case Study” DANIEL SHINNICK, GISP presents with JOHN K. WESTERLING, Director of Public Works, Hopkinton, MA. With funding help from a state revolving fund (SRF) reimbursement grant program administered by the Mass DEP, Weston & Sampson helped the town of Hopkinton to begin a comprehensive understanding of the assets they manage. From inventory and assessment through to a public presentation, Weston & Sampson and the town examined every horizontal and vertical asset in the water, sewer, stormwater utility systems and crafted a plan to maximize the town’s ROI on critical services.
Weston & Sampson is also proud to sponsor #NEWWALearnapalooza.