Supplemental Phase II Environmental Site Assessment (ESA)

Former Bradford Printing & Finishing, Westerly, RI

Weston & Sampson was hired by Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (RIDEM) through its Technical Assistance Contract (TAC) to conduct a comprehensive Phase II Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) for the former Bradford Printing & Finishing property in Westerly, Rhode Island.

The 100-plus acre mill complex was used as a textile finishing plant, which engaged in the production, printing, coating, and finishing of fabrics for military and government sectors in the United States. A number of Areas of Concern (AOCs) were identified by RIDEM including remote landfills, multiple lagoons, and surface water locations. The investigation was complicated by a very short timeframe of access to the deteriorated mill building and surrounding complex. The assessment included the advancement of seventeen soil borings; installation of eight groundwater monitoring wells; collection of shallow soil, deep soil, groundwater, sediment, and surface water samples. This assessment focused on determining if levels of contamination in the AOCs present a risk of exposure to the public.

Several groundwater, surface water, soil, and sediment samples reported elevated concentrations of chlorinated solvents, per- and polyfluorinated alkylated substance (PFAS), metals, and petroleum above Rhode Island regulatory concentrations. PFAS concentrations were highest at downgradient locations (lagoons and monitoring wells adjacent to Pawcatuck River).

Weston & Sampson’s data collection and reporting efforts were key to the state being able to petition for the Bradford Printing site to be listed on the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s (US EPA) National Priorities List of Superfund Sites.


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