Pump Station Design-Bid-Build

Johns Island Wastewater Interceptor, Pump Station, and Force Main

Weston & Sampson worked together with Charleston Water System to develop the route and plans for a complete wastewater system to serve Johns Island, including:

  • A new trunk sewer main
  • 7,000 linear feet of 16” force main
  • 10,000 linear feet of 16” & 18” and 24” gravity sewer
  • 4.5 MGD wastewater pump station to serve Johns Island

The project scope included route survey, development of plans, easement acquisitions, permitting, geotechnical study, cultural resources study, coordination with the City of Charleston, Charleston County, SC DOT, SCANA / SCE&G, and multiple private landowners. Wetlands permitting included critical areas, jurisdictional and non-jurisdictional areas, as well as mitigation. The station included several innovations to prevent corrosion and odors and to conserve energy.

The project was completed using a Design-Bid-Build delivery method.


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Posted in South Carolina Engineering, Wastewater, WWPlanning, WWPumpStations and tagged , .