North Andover Booster Pump Station Improvements
The Town of North Andover selected Weston & Sampson to evaluate several areas of low pressure within the town’s distribution system. These areas of town included around the top of Sutton Hill and Bear Hill. Weston & Sampson recommended the creation of a high pressure zone for these two areas of the distribution system, each to be serviced by a new booster pump station providing adequate pressures for both domestic use and fire protection. In addition, Weston & Sampson was selected to complete an evaluation of the Foxwood Drive water booster pump station, an existing buried packaged pump station. Recommendations included upgrades to the pumping capacity, automation and emergency backup power.
Sutton Hill & Bear Hill Pump Stations
The new Sutton Hill booster pump station was delivered to the site as one complete preassembled module, including the skid-mounted pumping units and electrical system, which were enclosed in a prefabricated building. The Bear Hill building envelope was constructed onsite. The electrical, skid-mounted pumping units, motors and control components were installed after the building was constructed. An emergency generator with a weatherproof enclosure was installed adjacent to each pumping station. Variable speed drives on the pump motors allow the stations to maintain a constant pressure in the new high pressure zones under varying water demand conditions. The pump stations each have a PLC-based control system, which is monitored at the town’s water treatment facility.
Foxwood Drive Pump Station Improvements
The evaluation of the 30-year old station included a site visit, review of existing documentation, monitoring and analysis of the development’s water demands and use of the town’s hydraulic model to verify pump station capacity. The feasibility of increasing the capacity of the station and providing water for hydrant flows was also reviewed. Construction improvements included installation of two new domestic and one fire pump with variable frequency drives, replacement of the existing piping, flow meter and pressure transmitters, replacement of the control panel with a new PLC, replacement of the existing generator with a larger generator capable of handling the new pump and electrical upgrades, installation of two new hydrants and painting the interior walls and piping of the station.