Rail Trail Reconstruction

Ridgefield Culvert Replacement and Rail Trail Reconstruction

Weston & Sampson provided a range of environmental inspection services to Northeast Utilities as part of a culvert replacement and rail trail reconstruction project, including:

  • Compliance monitoring
  • Environmental inspection
  • Erosion and sediment control design
  • Agency reporting/communication
  • Development of regulatory submissions
  • Wetland delineation
  • Grading design
  • Surveying
  • GIS services

When a section of the Ridgefield Rail Trail located along a Connecticut Light & Power (CL&P) utility right-of-way experienced damage to the existing trail and to a stone culvert that crosses underneath the trail, a section of the stone culvert became clogged, causing stormwater to back-up and begin flooding the south side of the trail. Stormwater flowing along the rail trail caused scouring of the stone screenings and aggregate base material to accumulate in the wetland areas on the north and south sides of the Rail Trail.

Weston & Sampson was selected to inspect the existing culvert, assess the damage, and conduct an evaluation of several alternatives to determine a long-term solution.  On behalf of CL&P, Weston & Sampson obtained approval from the local conservation commission to conduct and oversee emergency wetland restoration activities.  Weston & Sampson then designed a new alternative drainage culvert that included re-grading of surrounding areas, coordination and approval for the culvert replacement, and construction and compliance oversight of the culvert replacement.  A phased sequence for construction was developed in accordance with the latest Connecticut Guidelines for Soil Erosion and Sediment Control.  The existing stream flow was managed through the combined use of a cofferdam and bypass pumping. Design permitting and construction occurred on an accelerated schedule in order to be completed and restored prior to additional seasonal wet periods.


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