Reclaimed Water – Naples, FL

Expansion of the City of Naples' Reclaimed Water System

Weston & Sampson provided design, bidding, and services during construction for the expansion the City of Naples’ reclaimed water system.  The T-2 and T-2 extension are a continuation of the reclaimed water transmission option T-7. This project will complete an important loop in the northern portion of the reclaimed water service area, promoting both supply and reliability. It expands the city’s reclaimed water system from:   

  • The intersection of Gulf Shore Boulevard North (GSBN) and Park Shore Drive, then north on GSBN
  • The intersection of GSBN and Harbor Drive, then south on GSBN
  • Harbor Drive, between GSBN and Crayton Road
  • Crayton Road, between Harbor Drive and Mooring Line Drive

The project consists of installation of approximately 14,000 linear feet of reclaimed water main. Project components include:

  • 12-inch PVC reclaimed water main (5,450 feet)
  • 8-inch PVC reclaimed water main (5,700 feet)
  • A 750-foot 16-inch HDPE horizontal directional drill under Harbor Canal
  • Multiple 6-inch HDPE horizontal directional drills under condominium parking areas (1,950 feet)

A sovereign submerged land lease was required for the subaqueous crossing at Harbor Drive.

Design coordination included potable water, sanitary sewer, electric, fiber optic, gas, telephone, and CATV.

The project also required interaction with the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation and US Army Corps of Engineers.


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