Seeking public input on the “Redesigning John Fitch Highway – A Climate Resilient Corridor”


Redesigning John Fitch Highway

Redesigning John Fitch Highway

An article about the City of Fitchburg, Massachusetts seeking public input on the Redesigning John Fitch Highway – A Climate Resilient Corridor project was recently featured in the Fitchburg Sentinel & Enterprise newspaper. The project, for which Weston & Sampson is leading the public engagement and stormwater engineering and design, will increase the area’s resilience to climate change by mitigating flooding, reducing the urban heat island effect, and increasing mobility in the highly paved area. The Fitchburg Department of Public Works is seeking the community’s vision and innovative ideas to inform the initial designsComments are being accepted online through March 12 at If you have any questions about the project, please contact Amanda Kohn at 800-726-7766.

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