Weston & Sampson is responsible for the design of road improvements to about one-half mile of Sylvan Lake Road and Falls Avenue.
Improvements to the horizontal and vertical alignments will provide a uniform road width, center the road in the right-of-way, and improve sight distance. The intersection of Sylvan Lake and Falls are being re-aligned to improve the intersection sight distance and provide better traffic movements.
As part of this project, the Sylvan Lake Road and Falls Avenue bridges over Turkey Brook are being replaced. The existing crossings were pipe culverts and there was extensive flooding in the area. The hydraulic openings were improved, and the new bridges are precast, pre-stressed concrete deck units on Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil-Integrated Bridge Systems (GRS-IBS) substructures, which is an innovative system that is gaining popularity for its lower cost and faster construction time using readily available materials and equipment. This system also eliminates the joint between the road and the bridge removing the bump commonly felt.
Pedestrians and bicycles are also accommodated with this design. A sidewalk is being constructed for the entire length of the project on the west side of the road, servicing the park at the south end. The road will have five-foot-wide shoulders on both sides for bicyclists. In addition, new illumination, signing, and drainage is included in the project, as well as the relocation of the sewer main running underneath the bridge.
This project is being funded under the ConnDOT LOTCIP program with an estimated construction cost of $5.0 million of road and infrastructure improvements. Weston & Sampson assisted the town in preparing the LOTCIP application. We are also providing complete inspection and construction administration services in accordance with the ConnDOT LOTCIP Program Guidelines manual, Construction and Municipality Manuals, and the Information Pamphlet for Consulting Engineers. Our NICET and NETTCP certified inspection staff performed project recordkeeping in the ConnDOT “Four/Five Book Method” format.
LOCATION: Watertown, CT
- innovative GRS-IBS substructures
- removal of existing metal culverts
- installation of prestressed, post tensioned concrete deck units
- water handling and new drainage system
- debris containment and stream protection
- compliance with environmental permit requirements
- staged construction
- utilization of temporary earth retaining system