SCADA System for Naval Education and Training Center Sewer Pump Stations
The Naval Education and Training Center (NETC) in Newport, Rhode Island is a naval complex consisting of a variety of training, waterfront, administrative, supply and storage, medical, recreation, and housing facilities. The Naval Underwater Systems Center (NUSC) is also located at NETC and includes research, development, and testing operations. Wastewater generated at the complex is collected through a system of gravity sewers, lift stations, and force mains, and is treated at the City of Newport Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP). The system includes over 21 lift stations, a small WWTP at Fort Adams, and 150,000 feet of sewers and force mains. The wastewater collection system has experienced problems handling peak flows due to excessive infiltration and inflow (I/I) and mechanical failures. Average daily wastewater flows are 2 to 3 million gallons per day (mgd).
Under an initial contract, Weston & Sampson completed work on the upgrade of 18 sewer pump stations at the NETC. The project involved providing standby electric service generators for new sewer pump stations. Additional work included the installation of chlorination equipment, grease traps, tide gate valves, water service extensions, and miscellaneous site work.
Weston & Sampson worked with the NETC to develop a Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system. The SCADA system included a remote terminal unit (RTU) at each of the sewer pump stations, two central processing units (CPUs) located in administrative buildings on base, and an average of 36 status monitoring and control points at each station.
Weston & Sampson also completed an additional contract for the design of significant mechanical improvements to 13 existing sewer pump stations and rehabilitation/replacement of approximately 32,400 feet of existing gravity sewers and force mains at the NETC. The work includes six new pump stations to replace existing stations, as well as rehabilitation of seven existing pump stations.
Included in the design of the six new pump stations is the provision of new RTUs, or relocation of the RTUs provided under the earlier contract. Additional status monitoring and control points will be added to the SCADA systems at each new pump station.